Lawyer & Attorney Directory.

We provide our site visitors with a custom search box, along side the standard directory layout. They can enter their zip code, but crucially - they also enter the case type they are looking for help with.
That means our divorce firms are not answering the phone to injured pedestrians, and criminal law firms won't get inundated with bankruptcy queries.

We have been marketing law firms on and off the web since 1999. was initially created only for our own existing client base of 30-50 law firms as an extra weapon in the marketing arsenal we created for them. But, as the internet focus has moved to "LOCAL", so have we.
We match the client's legal problem and their area code, to the law firms in our database.

In fact, nearly 75% of the visitors to our website arrive here via sources OTHER than Google. If Google were to go completely crazy tomorrow and stop showing organic search results altogether ... we'd still be getting visitors. But more importantly - so would all the law firms in our database.

Social Media for Law Firms

Referral Services for Law Firms
Lawyer Marketing Blog
Rocklin Roseville Enterprise Lawyer Tips For Creating A Social Media Policy At Your Enterprise: Good on the Bar for doing that; too many state ethics regulators do not bother with this. At present. having such expertise in-home and full-time at a marketer is rare. said Jack Greiner. an lawyer with Cincinnati's Gr ...
Labor Board Lawyer Broke Ethics Guidelines: An legal professional should keep away from sending invites on LinkedIn that appear to solicit legal business from new purchasers. At Web LAVA. they perceive how necessary social media is to any attorney's web marketing marketing ...

How Law Firm Managers Should Use LinkedIn To Find Occupations: You may also need to look in The Lawyer for more information. The more narrowly and clearly you define your audience. the more efficient your advertising and business development efforts will be. For law undergraduates ...

... is good publicity".