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Youngs Solicitors Review: Each individual office they manage has kept a local, recognisable name with their own website and case range. Therefore most of them refuse to work with Legal Aid. For example all the logos are individual for each branding, but they all have a little "Y" on them. class...
Woodstock Legal Services Review: class="infoquote "impressed by the quality, professionalism and attention to detail" "kept fully updated along the way as well as offering great advice" "communication of where we were at with the process was crisp and timely"< div> Those are few snippets fr...
WH Solicitors Review: That's not to dismiss larger firms with multiple specialists on board. You can see for WH their main lawyer Waleed Hassan has been practising law since 2011. It's not enough to just say you are a specialist. (And that's tough to say living in one of them!) clas...
Two Harcourt Buildings Review: Clarity for the public should be just as important to the Bar Standards Council but, at the moment at least, it does not seem to be. We've been working in this industry for over 20 years now and have seen a huge amount of progress and changes. The latter is typically a ful...
ULA Solicitors Ltd Review: ULA list positive quotes from peers on their site, which is something we would consider to be much better than customer testimonials.
The issues with other similar domain names being available and alternate searches really only affects cases where the client has to p...
Trojan Solicitors Ltd Review: For example, for many years now people have been able to hire a barrister direct through the new Public Access scheme.
Agnieszka is listed as an Immigration specialist and has extra accreditation for such matters from the Law Society as well. That means you can actua...
The Legal Practice Ltd Review: For example searching for both Rickmansworth and Wembley London could provide a better overview. If someone calls saying they are from your solicitor's office and you don't recognise the person - never feel uncomfortable about saying you're going to hang up and ring them bac...
Stephanie Heijdra Review: The example for today is a barrister called Stephanie Heijdra. This is because a solicitor will often have to hire a barrister to do certain types of court work.
class="infoquote "Direct access is a scheme which qualifies barristers to take instructions directly from...
Thaxted Legal Ltd Review:
So if there are no official good places to get information about the firm you're researching, the next obvious thing people try are the public boards such as https: www.google.com search?q=thaxted+legal+london&rlz=1C1CHBF_en-GBGB926GB926&oq=thaxted+legal+london&aqs=...
Taylor Price Solicitors Review: Taylor Price is registered with The Law Society of England & Wales which has the best user-side offering we know of amongst such organisations. For example most firms will also claim a certain amount of experience, although not always in the clearest of way. Similar looking ...
Swain & Co Solicitors Ltd Review: QualitySolicitors). One reviewer for Swain & Co even ranted about how 'ugly' the staff were and that they should get rid of any mirrors. But we always recommend reading actual comments rather than relying on simple star ratings when it comes to law firms.
Summerfield Browne Solicitors Review: The firm states offices in London, Birmingham, Cambridge, Oxford, Market Harborough, and Leicester. A mix of seasoned professional alongside fresh legs. Most of the variants we tried brought up the correct site in the top search results spot but many brought up adverts for o...
Stowe Family Law Review:
At the time of writing the full list of office locations listed on the firm's website are: Beverley, Harrogate, Huddersfield, Ilkley, Leeds, Malton, Sheffield, Wetherby, York, Newcastle, Altrincham, Chester, Crewe, Liverpool, Manchester, Preston, Stockport, Stockton H...
Springle & Co Solicitors Review:
Other common sources people use are independent review boards such as Yelp, Facebook, Trustpilot, and Google. Plus with more and more people owning their own business that brings an entirely different set of issues to consider should you pass on while that business ...
Smith and Graham Solicitors Review: So if things have gone bad, it hasn't affected their outward image.
class="infoquote "Established in 1888, Smith and Graham Solicitors has continued to expand into one of the leading firms in the North East of England"< div>
While that establishment date looks i...
Brown and Co Solicitors Review: They have an actual fees page which is definitely a rarity amongst legal providers as well. Make sure you are on the correct website and never discuss bank details or payments by email.
class="infoquote "If your solicitor hasn't got time for you, it's unlikely that h...
Simper Law Ltd Review: That means most rely on the public review forums such as Google, Facebook, Yelp, Yell.com and Trustpilot. The age of the firm's brand name is pretty much meaningless and often tenuously worked out to begin with using the wife's-cousin's-dog's-next-door-neighbour approach to ...
Reynolds Macdonald Solicitors Review: Conditional fee still means that if your case loses you pay nothing , but if your case wins your solicitor may receive a percentage of the compensation. So if a legal service provider has few or even zero reviews, don't take it as a negative sign .
class="infoquote "...
Rose Fendlen Law Review: Make sure to listen carefully to the options provided and don't assume both will apply to your case..
class="infoquote "your case will be handled diligently, sensitively, and with the care and compassion it deserves"< div>
To check up on statements such as this ...
Pacific Law Review: . But sadly the confusion over 0345, 08000, 0808, 0871, etc. Our technology takes care of the stuff in the background so our legal team can focus on what's important - you."< div>
Again this is something many firms claim so make sure to look for key points on any firm's...
OneLaw Chambers Review: Even more positively - this change encourages lawyers to be far more invested in each case as a win is important for them as well. However if you consider there are well over a hundred thousand law practices nationwide it does make the honour a little more niche. Unlike ot...
My Law Matters Review: This can sometimes cause search issues but the variants we tried such as 'my legal matters' still brought up the correct firm . The client then handed tens of thousands of pounds over to the fraudster without bothering to check with the law firm whether the change was corre...
MJV & Co Solicitors Ltd Review:
The first is simple. But one thing we did notice as a recurring theme across them all was 'Natalie' being named and thanked regularly. Sadly, this honest description of theirs is actually much rarer than you might think!
class="infoquote "We pride ourselves on p...
Milners Solicitors Review: People are very quick to jump online and praise complain about a restaurant they've just been to. To us it seems quite irrelevant as you could get a 1-year-qualified newbie solicitor at a 200-year-old firm or a forty-year-guru lawyer from a 1-year-old firm. not trying to jac...
Michael Leighton Jones Review: They provide a wealth of user-side data including all office locations, other trading names used, languages spoken, as well as the qualification dates of the legal staff. New tech companies, car makers, or even a new local bakery would never be thought of as worse for not be...
Mckie Legal Review: For example:
class="infoquote "or if you prefer simply an out of hours appointment simply fill in the contact form"< div>
This snippet from the Mckie Legal contact page might be easily skipped over on first read, but law firms that offer to see you or even just sp...
Mackenzie Jones Solicitor Review: 'mackenzie jones solicitors chester' . Sadly we've seen many other firms focus more on the social side of things by stating each staff member's pets, hobbies, and even favourite foods. So here are some of the things we noticed and why they stand out to us as a firm that has ...
Lefevres Law Review: Either way, just be aware of which site you are on when searching the web and never discuss payments via email.
. The official website we link to is www.lefevres.law which is a fairly new tld. The name is quite unique so any searches for 'lefevers solicitors', 'lefevere's l...
KRS Estate Planning Ltd Review: Sadly, most law firms we've seen (and we've been reviewing them for over 20 years now) still do not work weekends. The official site which we link to above is www.krsep.co.uk with www.krsep.com not redirecting there. KRS are focused on a specialist case range with their qua...
JPS Walker Solicitors Ltd Review: You can find alternate trading names used, all office locations, languages spoken within the firm, case specialties, and even the qualification dates of solicitors at each firm. Some go really overboard trying to claim ancient founding dates such as 'established in 1771'.
Jacobs Law Solicitors Review: That way when you see statements about a firm having decades of experience - you can make sure that's not just one person at the firm hogging it all. But https: www.jacobslaw.org about" Jacobs Law cover the important bits< a> only and even include direct contact informati...
HooperHyde Review: They are not related companies. It's very common. They are a specialist firm focusing on helping businesses, but also have a different 'feel' to them from firms we already worked with. Sometimes you don't need a solicitor. We currently showcase the regular high-street-style ...
Hill House Chambers Review: We ran a poll a few years back and the number of people that trusted company provided customer testimonials wasn't even in the double digits. Why it took so long to make this available to the public in the UK - who knows. At the moment there are only names and the year the p...
Hawkridge & Company Review: Some examples, for this firm you'll see David Johncock qualified in 1981, Tristan Alder in 2004, and Michael Oduwole in 2012.
A quick note on navigation because we are talking about a property dealing firm. They involve sometimes lengthy co-operation and the maintenanc...
Guardian Law Review: This firm's official website is www.guardianlaw.co.uk but www.guardianlaw.com brings up a different legal practice in the USA. They are an excellent resources and we absolutely recommend checking through them. that they are not as easy to find for law professionals compare...
Goldsmith Bowers Solicitors Review:
A quick note on navigation with the firm's official website being www.goldsmithbowers.com however www.goldsmithbowers.co.uk does not currently redirect there. If you need to check up on any firm you can usually do so through their local Law Society. But we have no he...
Fulton's Solicitors & Estate Agents Review: They then tell the buyer that the house deposit needs to be paid into a different bank account. Just https: www.lawscot.org.uk find-a-solicitor ?Name=fulton&Postcode=&type=firm" some search results< a>
class="infoquote "We have been helping our clients from our base...
Frazer Coogans Ltd Review: Even when things are completely outside the control of the solicitor, clients will often leave negative comments on review boards. Making sure you're on the correct website to avoid phishing and only discussing payment arrangements over the phone through the official contact...
Fair Result Ltd Review: This includes direct access barristers, non-legal solutions, and mediation service providers. That means scouring dozens of company websites a day and spending a (possibly obsessive) amount of hours trawling through the various forums and news stories. Most lawyers will gi...
Dylan Nair Solicitors Ltd Review: Make sure to read comments when it comes to law firms though, not just flick through star ratings. A good mix of seasoned pros and fresh blood within any company must surely be a good thing. That's not something we are so keen on. Just remember that 'no win, no fee' and '1...
DisrepairClaim.co.uk Review: (No pun intended.)
class="infoquote "The compensation you can claim is ... They will put out spammy posts in groups offering cash or supermarket vouchers if you refer a friend for a claim.
DisrepairClaim.co.uk specialising in this particular area of law therefore ...
David Stinson & Co Review: But you never know what scammers will think of next so it's often a good idea to bookmark the correct website and never discuss payments via email. The main difference between firms on the matter of fees is how they reclaim their own costs should the case win or lose. How...
Cooks Solicitors Review: It can therefore be a good idea to bookmark the site or use a search function instead just in case.
There are other law firms with 'cook' in them such as Cooks Lawyers and Mark Cook solicitors with similarly matching domain names. The experience levels of the solicito...
CEL Solicitors Review: Today we're covering the firm CEL Solicitors. So to see CEL stating something that turned out to be both true AND not jargon-twisted - is a much bigger deal for us than you might think!
class="infoquote "Our services include: data breach claims, fraud claims, housing ...
QualitySolicitors Burton & Co Review: Whilst most of our articles are about individual firms along with the pros cons and things that stood out, today's piece on Burton & Co LLP will have to cover some new ground. QualitySolicitors firms are independent law firms that share the aim of providing clients the highe...
Buchanan & Co Solicitors Review: And they talk normal"
"easy to get through to my solicitor and they replied to me promptly"
"Put him at ease from the word go"
"Everything we wanted was sorted promptly"< div>
There were a lot of positive messages left on the boards, but sadly not a lot of g...
Bridge McFarland LLP Review: The other two mean they've simply added up the years of all the staff (e.g. So what about the independent boards such as https: www.google.com search?q=bridge+mcfarland+llp+lincoln&rlz=1C1CHBF_en-GBGB926GB926&sxsrf=ALiCzsYpYdagcP_1nfbujMAQ2Q3Y7A1iYw%3A1663333683455&ei=M3Uk...
Branch Austin McCormick LLP Review: For example, if the firm has a handful of solicitors all handling everything from divorce to personal injury and on up to commercial property - then yes, we would agree they might be a little less expert in each field. On this occasion the firm we're talking about doesn't li...
BLZ Solicitors Review: Usually this does not affect compensation claims. No really, that last one actually happens more than we ever thought possible. You have to remember that your solicitor and their staff should be spending their time reading up on the newest matters in their field of experti...
Bell Lax Solicitors Review: There were several other things about Bell Lax Solicitors we saw as positive or just plain interesting that made them stand out a bit more in our minds. This can be very confusing, but 9 times out of 10 the firm is well within it's rights to use the word. But the basic check...
Beers LLP Review:
class="infoquote "Whilst we have maintained our core value of outstanding client service, the use of the most up to date technology enables us to deliver innovative and cost effective solutions to our clients whether they be local or national."< div>
The site is ...
Backhouse Solicitors Review: So the fact Backhouse have only mentioned this statement tucked away on a separate section of the site is something we literally nod our heads in approval at. i.e. Because whilst every word in that sentence sounds great - most firms say the exact same thing so it doesn't ...
Argue & Co Legal Review: We've talked to hundreds upon hundreds of potential clients over the twenty years we've been working in the legal industry. Litigation matters such as personal injury have huge range of sub-titles including medical negligence, slips trips, work accidents, whiplash, and so ...
Antony Hodari Solicitors Review: It certainly does help to have someone very interested in your specific case type handling the matter for you though. But we didn't find out the spark that created Antony Hodari. We try to cover a range of solutions for legal problems including having general practice firm...
ABS Lawyers Ltd Review:
They are one of the few firms we've seen with a https: abslawyers.co.uk pl home-polski " full Polish section< a> on their website. Just narrowly beating Welsh.
class="infoquote "ABS Lawyers are a law firm with over 85 years of combined experience"< div>
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The Ethics Of Social Media Marketing: In the long term. they need you. andga- millions such as you. to be energetic on Facebook so they can sell extra adverts and earn more money. Lawyer to lawyer discussions between firm members are healthy. Bear in mind. ...

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