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Youngs Solicitors Review: class="infoquote "We believe in transparency and therefore list our fees on our website. Please note that you can't have an ampersand (&) in a web address so anything like www.young& will not exist. It may seem odd for a legal practice to claim they are 'speciali...

Woodstock Legal Services Review: Having worked in the legal industry for over 20 years we're still surprised to come across some firms that we'd not heard of before. Clearly we ended up with a positive impression of their law practice otherwise we would not have added them to our network. Some law firm...

WH Solicitors Review: Whilst many provide testimonials on their website, our poll a few years back indicated that only 9% of you trusted company-provided reviews. People are just often far less inclined to publicly discuss their divorce, bankruptcy, or brain injuries on comment boards than they a...

Two Harcourt Buildings Review: They do not travel into those official addresses every day for work. Two Harcourt Building's official website is the helpfully short but is not owned by them and there are several variants such as as well. The snip...

ULA Solicitors Ltd Review: They even listed the fact they work with Legal Aid clearly on their funding options page. Having a mix of seasoned, older heads with fresh legs can surely only be a positive asset for any legal service provider? class="infoquote "Our aim is to support our clie...

Trojan Solicitors Ltd Review: That might be the reason only 8% of you voted in our poll last year saying you trust company posted testimonials. In our articles and in the legal help search database we try to cover and include a wide range of solutions . Agnieszka is listed as an Immigration specia...

The Legal Practice Ltd Review: Just try looking up the star ratings of several other property firms in your area. Reading negative reviews may not always put someone off using a firm unless there is a clear theme. Sometimes simply because they received an official-looking email that said the bank details...

Stephanie Heijdra Review: They also will be far more specialised in certain areas of law because they are more likely to have to represent you in court over the matter. class="infoquote "Direct access is a scheme which qualifies barristers to take instructions directly from a client, enabli...

Thaxted Legal Ltd Review: The absence of negative information isn't the best indicator of a positive choice. We don't often give out specific advice in these articles. But Immigration specialist firms are sometimes only https: government organisations office-of-the-immigration-serv...

Taylor Price Solicitors Review: Well give you some tips on how to tell them apart in a few paragraphs, but first: class="infoquote "each one of our clients' benefit from a wealth of experience as would be found in a leading city firm, without sacrificing the personal touch"< div> If you've alrea...

Swain & Co Solicitors Ltd Review: But that happens constantly for law firms. Retaining a smaller local brand name for each area can make a huge difference. Young and Co have their own branded location though so any research is probably best served using the actual Swain&Co trading name. Having the resources ...

Summerfield Browne Solicitors Review: The firm states offices in London, Birmingham, Cambridge, Oxford, Market Harborough, and Leicester. Does that translate into happy clients? class="infoquote "practical, succinct and jargon-free advice" "good at giving cost efficient ways of managing the claim" "a ...

Stowe Family Law Review: But more importantly there are details about the staff including their speciality areas of law and the number of years they've been practising. You have to search for your specific local office to see reviews about it only. However this statement alone should qualify our d...

Springle & Co Solicitors Review: Those who did any future planning would typically get a basic will written and maybe take out life insurance (while taking advantage of whatever inheritance-tax-avoiding setup was available at the time). The big difference though, is that a wedding planner doesn't need to kn...

Smith and Graham Solicitors Review: Smith and Graham have 'Team' pages with profiles of their staff including experience and areas of practice which is great and something we always encourage the firms we deal with to create. class="infoquote "We are a multi-disciplined law practice providing hig...

Brown and Co Solicitors Review: Plus dozens of review pages both monitored and unmonitored. This snippet from the Brown & Co website is far more confrontational about the bad alternatives available and not the typical vague sales pitch. You'll get a lot of opinions on social boards or 'help' articles abo...

Simper Law Ltd Review: It also has a few quirks that will allow us to discuss important things to pay attention to when researching the best firm for your specific needs. At first glance Simper Law looks like a regular high street style setup with standard offices and several staff. This is ...

Reynolds Macdonald Solicitors Review: However the term is being used correctly in this instance. However, not all cases can be run like that and you may be asked to agree to a conditional fee arrangement. So if a legal service provider has few or even zero reviews, don't take it as a negative sign . Nor...

Rose Fendlen Law Review: If a legal practice https: office 15402 lrose-law-limited" is registered with them< a> you can see all known trading names, contact details, alternative office addresses, staff qualifications specialties, and so on. class="infoquote "yo...

Pacific Law Review: But sadly the confusion over 0345, 08000, 0808, 0871, etc. We've seen one law firm get a stunning review that ended with the phrase 'best dog-friendly restaurant ever'. Many firms since the pandemic have managed to upgrade their systems to offer video-call appointme...

OneLaw Chambers Review: Personally, we think people leaving negative reviews for those reasons completely undermines the whole goal of review forums. According to the law society website they have several trading names attached to them including OneLaw Solicitors, OneLaw Solicitors and Advoca...

My Law Matters Review: But as long as the separate branding efforts have been strong (as Fentimans seem to have done with theirs), you should be able to check out reviews on the team you will be using plus the main firm behind it without any issues. That can be a huge help because for some rea...

MJV & Co Solicitors Ltd Review: A few tips on independent comment boards: Read through those comments and never rely on average star ratings. But if it's 10x staff members with an average of only 5 years' experience - we think that's quite a different story to what is being implied. In 20+ years we'v...

Milners Solicitors Review: It's something certainly Personal Injury law firm will offer because the majority run cases on no win, no fee anyway. An enviable position for any firm to be in which can surely only benefit clients. The Law Society of England & Wales has the best user-side offering we've ...

Michael Leighton Jones Review: However this offer seems to be for Michael Leighton Jones Solicitors' whole case range. A quick note on navigation as the name of the firm is quite long. It's a good idea to read comments when it comes to legal service providers as well rather than just checking st...

Mckie Legal Review: class="infoquote "We have a strong emphasis on client care and providing a friendly and no jargon service keeping you fully updated on the case at all stages."< div> If you've already flicked through a bunch of other lawyer websites today, you'll have quickly noti...

Mackenzie Jones Solicitor Review: That means not just the regular high street solicitor but also barristers for direct access, accountants where a solicitor might not be needed for a tax matter, or paralegals for cheaper will processing. class="infoquote "In a tough legal world we are here to fight ...

Lefevres Law Review: Even the most cursory search on the web will show that Lefevres only just became https: company SC683368 officers" listed with companies house< a> in 2020. That's a very positive sign and certainly backs up at least one...

KRS Estate Planning Ltd Review: But be aware that Google still allows keyword matching in their ads with trademark protection protocols that can be very, very slow to pick up abuse. So since the owner of this firm states a solicitor background, we looked him up on the local Law Society website. But when it...

JPS Walker Solicitors Ltd Review: But hopefully this short exercise of deconstructing their site's language to try and point out some between-the-lines tips might help when you come to make your own decision about which law office is best for you. But when it comes to reviews people tend to prefer the public...

Jacobs Law Solicitors Review: (for Jacobs & Co Solicitors) shows up high in the search results and has a similar domain. e.g. In this instance that's "Jacobs Law Solicitors Birmingham". We link to the official site for this firm which is, and not a standard tld endi...

HooperHyde Review: The official site we link to above is with not currently redirecting you there. (5x2=10) That's another great use for the law society website because you can check the actual expertise and experience of individual solicitors withi...

Hill House Chambers Review: Hence the reason for us breaking with tradition over testimonials. If you weren't aware - we are now quite far from the 'old days' of a high street solicitor's office where you have to go for anything legally oriented to get done. We ran a poll a few years back and the num...

Hawkridge & Company Review: So what should you look out for? One thing that often bugs us is when a firm says they are 'award-winning'. Popular words these days which we've seen across huge numbers of legal professionals sites include 'modern', 'specialist', 'friendly', 'leading' and so on. For ...

Guardian Law Review: There are several statements such as these two offering free help articles. Especially those with multiple offices. This brings up an extra point about reviews - i.e. To us that indicates the best qualities of a specialist firm in that they genuinely seem to care abo...

Goldsmith Bowers Solicitors Review: Whoever it was certainly seemed annoyed at the firm but it was a slightly odd claim about 'they are trying to silence me' ? class="infoquote "free consultation with one of our experts about your needs and how we can help"< div> Despite our modern times of free ...

Fulton's Solicitors & Estate Agents Review: Despite not being overly 'nationalised' about most things, this is something we do feel a little frustrated at. For all we know they called Fultons about a divorce case and was refused representation. Being a Peterhead-based firm ourselves it's a tough thing to see eve...

Frazer Coogans Ltd Review: Some claiming hundreds of years of history behind them. For Personal Injury matters you should never have to pay anything up front or during the case at all. . If you look at the last quoted positive review above you'll see that there were problems with the house sa...

Fair Result Ltd Review: Clients receive emails stating that the bank details for their deposit have changed and they apparently go ahead and send tens of thousands of pounds to those bank accounts without even checking with their solicitor first. Most lawyers will give you 15-60 minutes of their ti...

Dylan Nair Solicitors Ltd Review: As you can see from the snippets above, they're largely quite positive . The Law Society of England & Wales has an excellent site for this and Dylan Nair & Co just happen to be registered with them. It's when people mistype directly into a browser bar that things can some... Review: To get the mould destroyed. Then there are firms that have several specialist solicitors who handled specific case types but all working under the same brand name umbrella. specialising in this particular area of law therefore means we're very happ...

David Stinson & Co Review: Be aware that ampersands ('&') can't be part of a web address so something like www.davidstinson& would not exist. But note that 'no win, no fee' and '100% compensation guarantee' are not the same thing. That should mean a considerable amount of experience to draw on...

Cooks Solicitors Review: However the problems of usually come from emails or people typing the wrong web address directly in to their browser. Again though, whilst many solicitors use different trading names to highlight...

CEL Solicitors Review: If you go on to a search engine and use quotation marks around various terms, it will force results that contain those exact terms. Again, no firm is going to claim to be the alternative of any of those. I missed the PPI deadline but they still got me my money"< div> ...

QualitySolicitors Burton & Co Review: The easiest comparison we can give is that 'Qualitysolicitors' is sort of a hallmark, badge, or accreditation. Currently neither or get you there. The age of the branding though whether pre or post QS signup is really unimportant tho...

Buchanan & Co Solicitors Review: So make sure you are on the correct website and never discuss payments via email. . For example, if a firm says they have '20 years experience within the firm' or '20 years combined experience' that could mean they have 5 solicitors each with only 4 years experience. Th...

Bridge McFarland LLP Review: Don't be afraid to call the official number you already have if anything you receive seems even remotely suspicious. Make sure you're on the correct website and never discuss payments via email. Just typing 'bridge mcfarland' currently shows nothing on Google, you have to ty...

Branch Austin McCormick LLP Review: It's always been said to never ask a lady her age, but I hope the female staff of Branch Austin McCormick will forgive us posting their qualification dates in this instance to showcase their firm. So how can you tell if a firm has specialist or jack-of-all solicitors? ...

BLZ Solicitors Review: defending NIHL companies from claimants. Here's a few of the things we noticed and hopefully some things you might be able to use as a bar to measure between others in the field. That's why we have general practice firms along side specialists - as well as alternate solution...

Bell Lax Solicitors Review: To be honest, we didn't read more than a couple and even then we skimmed. Despite this, there are a handful of things we recommend you definitely checklist for each and every firm you are considering using. By that we mean most legal companies in the UK tend to use th...

Beers LLP Review: So how do Beers' solicitors fair in the public forums? class="infoquote "the whole team have been lovely and very helpful throughout our house purchase" "Efficient, straightforward and good value" "prompt friendly and reliable" "kept us updated throughou...

Backhouse Solicitors Review: class="infoquote "We are a family-owned firm of specialist, problem-solving solicitors based in Chelmsford, Essex."< div>. So just bear this in mind when checking up on any firm. It's very common to see negative reviews from the other side of the transaction, not actu...

Argue & Co Legal Review: You can read an article here where we cover the 'why' on that one. So how do you judge such things? Sadly in Scotland the Law Society does not provide nearly as much useful user-side information as their English Welsh counterpart. A quick note on navigation. Even zero r...

Antony Hodari Solicitors Review: As specialists go, this is an unusual one to find. If we do discover it, we'll let you know. Antony Hodari himself qualified in 1981, Emma Rees in 2000, right up to Rozina Bibi who qualified in 2017. We try to cover a range of solutions for legal problems including hav...

ABS Lawyers Ltd Review: Lastly there are firms that write statements such as the one from ABS Lawyers' site above saying they have X amount of years of 'combined experience'. class="infoquote "We ensure that customer service, rather than our profits, is the number one priority."< div> ...

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